Why does CICERO serve as our role model ?

His work as an eclectic (“selector”) is worth imitating in management consulting & information technology, even in the 21st century. Today, very often it is a matter of analysing the existing precisely according to strengths & building on this to implement evolutionary constructive, practicable solutions. To “invent” something completely new (theoretical super solutions) is often counterproductive, especially in management consulting.

Büste Cicero

Who was Marcus Tullius Cicero ?

M. Tullius Cicero, unrivaled as an orator/speaker to the present day, ambitious as a statesman but ultimately unsuccessful, achieved considerable things as a philosopher & writer.

Like all Romans, he was hardly creative in this field (in the sense that he invented a new paradigm), but as an eclectic (literally: “selector”) he made a selection of the most important philosophical teachings of the Greeks, explained them with examples from history, nature & the intellectual world and made Latin applicable to philosophical problems.

His importance for the European occidental culture is therefore undisputed today. Philosophers & theologians of later times – namely Ambrose, Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury & Thomas Aquinas – are indebted to Cicero, who also strives for dignified language in his philosophical works, in terms of style & thought.

Not only the creation of a Latin philosophical prose is Cicero’s merit, but also the popularisation of philosophical problems in the Occident. He aroused interest in philosophy through lively exposition, numerous examples, quotations & verses, especially through the concentration of the material on “praecepta ad bene beateque vivendum” (rules for a good & happy life), corresponding to the practical Roman way of thinking.

Cicero’s literary works can be divided into 3 broad areas:

  • his speeches (over fifty of which have survived),

  • his collections of letters to friends & contemporaries,

  • his works on state philosophy, general philosophy & rhetoric.

Among the most important philosophical works are:

  • academica (4 books on epistemology),

  • de finibus bonorum et malorum (5 books on the doctrine of values on a Stoic basis),

  • tusculanae disputationes (5 books on the practical philosophy of life),

  • de natura deorum (3 books on theology),

  • de officiis (3 books on ethical behaviour),

  • de re publica (questions concerning the best form of government & the realisation of human capabilities in society),

  • de oratore (rethorics).